Custom instruction in the software toolchain

NB: in this section, we will build a 64-bit toolchain.

RISC-V default toolchain

In this first step, the default RISC-V toolchain is compiled, without modifications in the instructions set.

Some packages are needed:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev device-tree-compiler

Cloning the Linux kernel and its submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules


Around 7GB are needed to download all repositories.

It is assumed that the toolchain is built in /opt/riscv_custom:

$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv_custom
$ make -j$(nproc)

GCC cross-compiler version can be checked:

$ /opt/riscv_custom/bin/./riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --version
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc (g2ee5e430018) 12.2.0

Adding a custom instruction in the cross-compiler

Existing opcodes

Opcodes are defined in the riscv-opcodes directory:

$ git clone

This repository contains opcodes for differents instruction extensions (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions). This repository is organized as follows :

  • rv_abc: opcodes for the abc 32-bit instructions.

  • rv32_abc: other opcodes for the abc extension instructions.

  • rv64_abc: additional 64-bit opcodes to rv_abc 32-bit instructions.

Here is a part of the rv_i file:

add     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=0  14..12=0 6..2=0x0C 1..0=3
sub     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=32 14..12=0 6..2=0x0C 1..0=3
sll     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=0  14..12=1 6..2=0x0C 1..0=3

Details of the add instruction are given in Figure 5.


Figure 5 add instruction breakdown

The opcode file contain values for funct7, funct3 and the opcode.

Custom instruction

It is assumed that a modulo instruction has to be added in RV32I which does not exist by default. The mnemonic for such an instruction would look like:

mod r1, r2, r3
# R[r1] = R[r2] % R[r3]

Figure 6 mod instruction breakdown

The opcode syntax would be:

mod     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=1  14..12=0 6..2=2 1..0=3

According to Figure 1, mod uses the custom-0 opcode. It differs from [hsa] which used a reserved opcode. The rv_i file is modified as follows:

+ mod     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=1  14..12=0 6..2=2    1..0=3
add     rd rs1 rs2 31..25=0  14..12=0 6..2=0x0C 1..0=3

Then, opcode file is processed to get MATCH and MASK values:

$ make

This command will generate the representation of opcodes in several formats such as SystemVerilog, Chisel and C (in the encoding.out.h file). These values are a representation of the different field values. Going back to the add instruction:

#define MATCH_ADD 0x33
#define MASK_ADD  0xfe00707f
0000000 xxxxx xxxxx 000 xxxxx 0110011 // Add instruction breakdown
                               110011 // MATCH_ADD
1111111 00000 00000 111 00000 1111111 // MASK_ADD

Values related to the mod instruction are:

#define MATCH_MOD 0x200000b
#define MASK_MOD  0xfe00707f
0000001 xxxxx xxxxx 000 xxxxx 0001011 // Mod instruction breakdown
      1 00000 00000 000 00000 0001011 // MATCH_MOD
1111111 00000 00000 111 00000 1111111 // MASK_MOD
  • Same mask (instruction format is the same)

  • Match value can be checked with the binary representation of the instruction

Binutils modification

Now, binutils need to be aware of the new instruction. riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv-binutils/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h is updated as follows:

/* Instruction opcode macros.  */
+ #define MATCH_MOD 0x200000b
+ #define MASK_MOD  0xfe00707f
#define MATCH_SLLI_RV32 0x1013
// [...]
#endif /* RISCV_ENCODING_H */

The related C file (riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv-binutils/opcodes/riscv-opc.c) has to be modified as well:

/* name, xlen, isa, operands, match, mask, match_func, pinfo.  */
+ {"mod",         0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,s,t",     MATCH_MOD, MASK_MOD, match_opcode, 0 },
{"unimp",       0, INSN_CLASS_C, "",          0, 0xffffU, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
  • name: name of the instruction.

  • xlen: width of an integer register in bits.

  • isa: ISA extension (I in this case).

  • operands: based on the parsing available in riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv-binutils/gas/config/tc-riscv.c:

switch (*fmt++)
      case 'd':
      INSERT_OPERAND (RD, insn, va_arg (args, int));

      case 's':
      INSERT_OPERAND (RS1, insn, va_arg (args, int));

      case 't':
      INSERT_OPERAND (RS2, insn, va_arg (args, int));
  • match: the match value.

  • mask the mask value.

  • match_func pointer to the function recovering funct7, funct3 and opcode fields of the instruction.

static int
match_opcode (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t insn)
    return ((insn ^ op->match) & op->mask) == 0;
  • pinfo: this field is equal to 0 most of the time except for branch/jump instructions:

{"j",   0, INSN_CLASS_I, "a",        MATCH_JAL,
           MASK_JAL|MASK_RD, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS|INSN_BRANCH },
{"beq", 0, INSN_CLASS_C, "Cs,Cz,Cp", MATCH_C_BEQZ,
           MASK_C_BEQZ, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS|INSN_CONDBRANCH },
{"and", 0, INSN_CLASS_C, "Cs,Cw,Ct", MATCH_C_AND,
           MASK_C_AND, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
{"and", 0, INSN_CLASS_C, "Cs,Cw,Ct", MATCH_C_AND,
           MASK_C_AND, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },

These INSN_ constants are defined in riscv-gnu-toolchain/riscv-binutils/include/opcode/riscv.h:

/* Instruction is a simple alias (e.g. "mv" for "addi").  */
#define INSN_ALIAS      0x00000001
/* Instruction is an unconditional branch.  */
#define INSN_BRANCH     0x00000002
/* Instruction is a conditional branch.  */
#define INSN_CONDBRANCH 0x00000004

Testing the new instruction

The final step is to recompile the custom instruction that has been implemented.

$ pwd
$ make clean
$ make -j$(nproc)

Here is a sample C code (taken from [nitb]) using the freshmly implemented mod instruction:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
    int a,b,c;
    a = 5;
    b = 2;
    asm volatile
    "mod   %[z], %[x], %[y]\n\t"
    : [z] "=r" (c)
    : [x] "r" (a), [y] "r" (b)
    if ( c != 1 ){
            return -1;
    return 0;

If the C file is compiled, it should be successful:

$ /opt/riscv_custom/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc main.c -o main
$ file main
main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, UCB RISC-V, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

Remark: even if rv32i opcodes are modified, it works as there is the mod instruction in line 77 of the objdump:

$ /opt/riscv_custom/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -D main | grep -n -A 20 "<main>:"
80:00000000000101a2 <main>:
81-   101a2:        1101                    addi    sp,sp,-32
82-   101a4:        ec06                    sd      ra,24(sp)
83-   101a6:        e822                    sd      s0,16(sp)
84-   101a8:        1000                    addi    s0,sp,32
85-   101aa:        4795                    li      a5,5
86-   101ac:        fef42623                sw      a5,-20(s0)
87-   101b0:        4789                    li      a5,2
88-   101b2:        fef42423                sw      a5,-24(s0)
89-   101b6:        fec42783                lw      a5,-20(s0)
90-   101ba:        fe842703                lw      a4,-24(s0)
91-   101be:        02e7878b                mod     a5,a5,a4
92-   101c2:        fef42223                sw      a5,-28(s0)
93-   101c6:        fe442783                lw      a5,-28(s0)
94-   101ca:        0007871b                sext.w  a4,a5
95-   101ce:        4785                    li      a5,1
96-   101d0:        00f70963                beq     a4,a5,101e2 <main+0x40>
97-   101d4:        67c9                    lui     a5,0x12
98-   101d6:        67878513                addi    a0,a5,1656 # 12678 <__errno+0x8>
99-   101da:        1b2000ef                jal     ra,1038c <puts>
100-   101de:       57fd                    li      a5,-1

In others words, it is a RISC-V binary compiled with a custom instruction!

Adding a custom instruction in Spike

Two tools needs to be installed:

  • Spike, the simulator itself

  • PK, the RISC-V proxy kernel which is a piece of software that can host statically-linked binaries

Compiling and executing an Hello world! program

# RISCV tools path
$ export RISCV=/opt/riscv_custom
$ export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH
# Spike install
$ git clone
$ cd riscv-isa-sim
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$RISCV
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ sudo make install
# PK install
$ git clone
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$RISCV --host=riscv64-unknown-elf
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ sudo make install
$ export PATH=$RISCV/riscv64-unknown-elf/bin:$PATH

Both tools should be available in PATH variable with previous commands. Now, for a simple “Hello world!” program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("Hello world!\n");
    return 0;
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -o hello hello.c
$ spike pk hello
bbl loader
Hello world!

Adding an instruction in the simulator

First of all, describe the behavior of the new instruction by adding a file in riscv-isa-sim/riscv/insns/mod.h. Here is the add.h syntax:

WRITE_RD(sext_xlen(RS1 + RS2));

The equivalent mod.h file will be:

WRITE_RD(sext_xlen(RS1 % RS2));

In riscv-isa-sim/riscv/encoding.h, add MATCH_MOD and MATCH_MOD as for the compiler:

@@ -361,6 +361,8 @@
#define MASK_ANDI  0x707f
#define MATCH_ADD 0x33
#define MASK_ADD  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_MOD 0x200000b
+ #define MASK_MOD  0xfe00707f

@@ -3122,6 +3124,7 @@ DECLARE_INSN(xori, MATCH_XORI, MASK_XORI)

Then, Makefile needs to compile the mod instruction. In riscv-isa-sim/riscv/

@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ riscv_gen_hdrs = \
riscv_insn_ext_i = \
add \
+ mod \

The last file to be modified is riscv-isa-sim/disasm/ where instruction types are defined:

@@ -773,6 +773,7 @@ disassembler_t::disassembler_t(int xlen)


The last step is to rebuild the simulator and test the program given in “Testing the new instruction” section.

spike pk main
bbl loader

Adding a custom instruction in gem5

Both references [gema, gemb] contain a first part where it show how to boot a default architecture. In a second step, documents show how to modify and extend gem5. First of all, this document focuses on x86, RISC-V will be the key point of another section. This report contains some notes about those two steps. It may also include some elements from Nitish’s blog [nita].


  • gem5 is a simulator platform written in C++ and Python.

  • It can simulate several architectures including x86, ARM and RISC-V.

Getting started with x86 simulation

Building gem5

Some packages are needed on an Ubuntu-based system:

$ sudo apt install build-essential git m4 scons zlib1g zlib1g-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev python-dev python

Then, the source code:

$ git clone

The first build will be an x86-based system (gem5 must be compiled for each ISA to be simulated).

$ python3 `which scons` build/X86/gem5.opt -j4

This script basically behaves like a configure+Makefile flow. At the end:


Figure 7 gem5 compilation output

Simple script

This section shows how to setup a simple configuratin script for gem5 composed of a simple CPU core, a memory bus and a DDR3.


Figure 8 Architecture described in the simple script

Here is the full script:

# import the m5 (gem5) library created when gem5 is built
import m5
# import all of the SimObjects
from m5.objects import *
# create the system we are going to simulate
system = System()
# Set the clock fequency of the system (and all of its children)
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain()
system.clk_domain.clock = '1GHz'
system.clk_domain.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
# Set up the system
system.mem_mode = 'timing'               # Use timing accesses
system.mem_ranges = [AddrRange('512MB')] # Create an address range
# Create a simple CPU
system.cpu = TimingSimpleCPU()
# Create a memory bus, a system crossbar, in this case
system.membus = SystemXBar()
# Hook the CPU ports up to the membus
system.cpu.icache_port = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
system.cpu.dcache_port = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
# create the interrupt controller for the CPU and connect to the membus
# For x86 only, make sure the interrupts are connected to the memory
# Note: these are directly connected to the memory bus and are not cached
if m5.defines.buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == "x86":
system.cpu.interrupts[0].pio = system.membus.mem_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_requestor = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_responder = system.membus.mem_side_ports
# Create a DDR3 memory controller and connect it to the membus
system.mem_ctrl = MemCtrl()
system.mem_ctrl.dram = DDR3_1600_8x8()
system.mem_ctrl.dram.range = system.mem_ranges[0]
system.mem_ctrl.port = system.membus.mem_side_ports
# Connect the system up to the membus
system.system_port = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
# get ISA for the binary to run.
isa = str(m5.defines.buildEnv['TARGET_ISA']).lower()
# Default to running 'hello', use the compiled ISA to find the binary
# grab the specific path to the binary
thispath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
binary = os.path.join(thispath, '../../../',
'tests/test-progs/hello/bin/', isa, 'linux/hello')
system.workload = SEWorkload.init_compatible(binary)
# Create a process for a simple "Hello World" application
process = Process()
# Set the command
# cmd is a list which begins with the executable (like argv)
process.cmd = [binary]
# Set the cpu to use the process as its workload and create thread contexts
system.cpu.workload = process
# set up the root SimObject and start the simulation
root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)
# instantiate all of the objects we've created above
print("Beginning simulation!")
exit_event = m5.simulate()
print('Exiting @ tick %i because %s' % (m5.curTick(), exit_event.getCause()))

If this script is run with the freshly compiled gem5 :

$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 version
gem5 compiled Dec 23 2022 14:25:14
gem5 started Dec 23 2022 17:41:35
gem5 executing on test-VirtualBox, pid 24543
command line: ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: No dot file generated. Please install pydot to generate the dot file and pdf.
build/X86/mem/ warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
Beginning simulation!
build/X86/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 499462000 because exiting with last active thread context

Yay, “Hello world” is alive!

Add cache to the script

Cache script:

import m5
from m5.objects import Cache
# Add the common scripts to our path
from common import SimpleOpts
# Some specific options for caches
# For all options see src/mem/cache/
class L1Cache(Cache):
"""Simple L1 Cache with default values"""
assoc = 2
tag_latency = 2
data_latency = 2
response_latency = 2
mshrs = 4
tgts_per_mshr = 20
def __init__(self, options=None):
super(L1Cache, self).__init__()
def connectBus(self, bus):
"""Connect this cache to a memory-side bus"""
self.mem_side = bus.cpu_side_ports
def connectCPU(self, cpu):
"""Connect this cache's port to a CPU-side port
This must be defined in a subclass"""
raise NotImplementedError
class L1ICache(L1Cache):
"""Simple L1 instruction cache with default values"""
# Set the default size
size = '16kB'
help="L1 instruction cache size. Default: %s" % size)
def __init__(self, opts=None):
super(L1ICache, self).__init__(opts)
if not opts or not opts.l1i_size:
self.size = opts.l1i_size
def connectCPU(self, cpu):
"""Connect this cache's port to a CPU icache port"""
self.cpu_side = cpu.icache_port
class L1DCache(L1Cache):
"""Simple L1 data cache with default values"""
# Set the default size
size = '64kB'
help="L1 data cache size. Default: %s" % size)
def __init__(self, opts=None):
super(L1DCache, self).__init__(opts)
if not opts or not opts.l1d_size:
self.size = opts.l1d_size
def connectCPU(self, cpu):
"""Connect this cache's port to a CPU dcache port"""
self.cpu_side = cpu.dcache_port
class L2Cache(Cache):
"""Simple L2 Cache with default values"""
# Default parameters
size = '256kB'
assoc = 8
tag_latency = 20
data_latency = 20
response_latency = 20
mshrs = 20
tgts_per_mshr = 12
SimpleOpts.add_option('--l2_size', help="L2 cache size. Default: %s" % size)
def __init__(self, opts=None):
super(L2Cache, self).__init__()
if not opts or not opts.l2_size:
self.size = opts.l2_size
def connectCPUSideBus(self, bus):
self.cpu_side = bus.mem_side_ports
def connectMemSideBus(self, bus):
self.mem_side = bus.cpu_side_ports

Figure 9 Architecture described in the advanced script

Top script for the two-level cache:

# import the m5 (gem5) library created when gem5 is built
import m5
# import all of the SimObjects
from m5.objects import *
# Add the common scripts to our path
# import the caches which we made
from caches import *
# import the SimpleOpts module
from common import SimpleOpts
# get ISA for the default binary to run. This is mostly for simple testing
isa = str(m5.defines.buildEnv['TARGET_ISA']).lower()
# Default to running 'hello', use the compiled ISA to find the binary
# grab the specific path to the binary
thispath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
default_binary = os.path.join(thispath, '../../../',
'tests/test-progs/hello/bin/', isa, 'linux/hello')
# Binary to execute
SimpleOpts.add_option("binary", nargs='?', default=default_binary)
# Finalize the arguments and grab the args so we can pass it on to our objects
args = SimpleOpts.parse_args()
# create the system we are going to simulate
system = System()
# Set the clock fequency of the system (and all of its children)
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain()
system.clk_domain.clock = '1GHz'
system.clk_domain.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
# Set up the system
system.mem_mode = 'timing'               # Use timing accesses
system.mem_ranges = [AddrRange('512MB')] # Create an address range
# Create a simple CPU
system.cpu = TimingSimpleCPU()
# Create an L1 instruction and data cache
system.cpu.icache = L1ICache(args)
system.cpu.dcache = L1DCache(args)
# Connect the instruction and data caches to the CPU
# Create a memory bus, a coherent crossbar, in this case
system.l2bus = L2XBar()
# Hook the CPU ports up to the l2bus
# Create an L2 cache and connect it to the l2bus
system.l2cache = L2Cache(args)
# Create a memory bus
system.membus = SystemXBar()
# Connect the L2 cache to the membus
# create the interrupt controller for the CPU
# For x86 only, make sure the interrupts are connected to the memory
# Note: these are directly connected to the memory bus and are not cached
if m5.defines.buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == "x86":
system.cpu.interrupts[0].pio = system.membus.mem_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_requestor = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
system.cpu.interrupts[0].int_responder = system.membus.mem_side_ports
# Connect the system up to the membus
system.system_port = system.membus.cpu_side_ports
# Create a DDR3 memory controller
system.mem_ctrl = MemCtrl()
system.mem_ctrl.dram = DDR3_1600_8x8()
system.mem_ctrl.dram.range = system.mem_ranges[0]
system.mem_ctrl.port = system.membus.mem_side_ports
system.workload = SEWorkload.init_compatible(args.binary)
# Create a process for a simple "Hello World" application
process = Process()
# Set the command
# cmd is a list which begins with the executable (like argv)
process.cmd = [args.binary]
# Set the cpu to use the process as its workload and create thread contexts
system.cpu.workload = process
# set up the root SimObject and start the simulation
root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)
# instantiate all of the objects we've created above
print("Beginning simulation!")
exit_event = m5.simulate()
print('Exiting @ tick %i because %s' % (m5.curTick(), exit_event.getCause()))

Then, the script is executed:

$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/ --l2_size='1MB' --l1d_size='128kB'
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 version
gem5 compiled Dec 23 2022 14:25:14
gem5 started Dec 23 2022 17:43:24
gem5 executing on test-VirtualBox, pid 24632
command line: ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/ --l2_size=1MB --l1d_size=128kB

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: No dot file generated. Please install pydot to generate the dot file and pdf.
build/X86/mem/ warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
Beginning simulation!
build/X86/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 58125000 because exiting with last active thread context

Analyzing outputs

When a simulation is launched, there are several files generated in the m5out sub-directory. The most interesting one (stats.txt) includes statistics about the generated system execution. First, some statistics about the execution:

----------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
simSeconds  0.000058    # Number of seconds simulated (Second)
simTicks    58125000    # Number of ticks simulated (Tick)

Then, statistics about cache hits/misses:     1951    # number of overall hits (Count)    136     # number of demand (read+write) misses (Count)

And finally, about the memory controller:

system.mem_ctrl.readReqs    365 # Number of read requests accepted (Count)
system.mem_ctrl.writeReqs   0   # Number of write requests accepted (Count)

Using default configuration scripts

Configuration scripts can be found in code{configs}. Some directories:

  • dram: DRAM test scripts.

  • example: plug-and-play examples.

  • learning_gem5: scripts that were used in previous paragraphs.

Playing with the script

$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/ --cmd=tests/test-progs/hello/bin/x86/linux/hello
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 5943000 because exiting with last active thread context

CPU type can be changed. A time difference can be observed:

$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/ --cmd=tests/test-progs/hello/bin/x86/linux/hello --cpu-type=TimingSimpleCPU --l1d_size=64kB --l1i_size=16kB
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 454646000 because exiting with last active thread context

These parameters can be found in m5out/config.ini:


Getting started with RISC-V simulation

gem5 proposes some pre-compiled RISC-V binaries:

$ mkdir -p cpu_tests/benchmarks/bin/riscv
$ cd cpu_tests/benchmarks/bin/riscv
$ wget
$ wget

Then, gem5 has to be built for RISC-V:

$ scons build/RISCV/gem5.opt -j4

It should create a gem5 RISC-V binary at build/RISC-V/gem5.opt. Then, a RISC-V binary can be run by modifying a single line in the script:

process.cmd = ['tests/test-progs/hello/bin/riscv/linux/hello']
$ ./build/RISCV/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 version
gem5 compiled Dec 24 2022 10:54:42
gem5 started Dec 24 2022 11:01:22
gem5 executing on test-VirtualBox, pid 20699
command line: ./build/RISCV/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: No dot file generated. Please install pydot to generate the dot file and pdf.
build/RISCV/mem/ warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
Beginning simulation!
build/RISCV/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
build/RISCV/sim/syscall_emul.hh:1015: warn: readlink() called on '/proc/self/exe' may yield unexpected results in various settings.
      Returning '/home/test/Documents/gem5/tests/test-progs/hello/bin/riscv/linux/hello'
build/RISCV/sim/ info: Increasing stack size by one page.
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 446784000 because exiting with last active thread context

Adding a custom instruction in the RISC-V ISA

The only thing is to add our mod instruction in the decoder file located at src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa. For this purpose, instruction details were given in a previous section.

  • funct7 = 0x1.

  • funct3 = 0x2.

  • opcode = 0x02 (lowest 2 bits 11 are not taken into account).

Basic structure of the decoder can be described as follows:

decode QUADRANT default Unknown::unknown() {
    0x0: decode COPCODE { /* compressed opcodes */
    0x1: decode COPCODE { /* compressed opcodes */
    0x2: decode COPCODE { /* compressed opcodes */
    0x3: decode OPCODE  { /* regular opcodes <= our target! */

In other words, the new instruction has the following properties:

  • In a regular opcode $Rightarrow$ 0x02: decode FUNCT3 {.

  • With funct3=0x0.

  • With funct7=0x1.

  • For a R-type instruction (add is a good example).

@@ -420,7 +420,16 @@ decode QUADRANT default Unknown::unknown() {
}}, inst_flags=FloatMemReadOp);
+   0x02: decode FUNCT3 {
+           format ROp {
+                   0x0: decode FUNCT7 {
+                           0x1: mod({{
+                                   Rd = Rs1_sd % Rs2_sd;
+                                   }});
+                           }
+                   }
+           }
0x03: decode FUNCT3 {

Finally, gem5 is recompiled to be able to re-run the small code shown in a previous section.

$ scons build/RISCV/gem5.opt -j4
$./build/RISCV/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/
gem5 Simulator System.
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 version
gem5 compiled Jan  5 2022 17:34:18
gem5 started Jan  5 2022 23:42:52
gem5 executing on debian, pid 22660
command line: ./build/RISCV/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part1/

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
build/RISCV/mem/ warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
build/RISCV/arch/riscv/linux/ warn: Unknown operating system; assuming Linux.
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
Beginning simulation!
build/RISCV/sim/ info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...

Exiting @ tick 145484000 because exiting with last active thread context

Simulation of a 32-bit binary with Spike

Adding an instruction while working on 32-bit binaries would follow the same steps as the file to be modified is the RV32I opcodes file. The main difference is on the tools:

  • Cross-compiler must be 32-bits.

  • Spike is already ready to handle 32-bit binaries.

  • RISC-V proxy kernel needs to be recompiled for 32-bit.

Cross-compiler compilation:

$ git clone
$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv32_custom --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d
$ make

Proxy kernel compilation:

$ git clone
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$RISCV --host=riscv32-unknown-elf \
                                             --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d
$ make
$ make install

Simulation with Spike:

$ spike --isa=RV32GC pk my_binary